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The third LTTA for students named "We  are against screen addiction was held in Bydgoszcz, Poland on 7-11 Februarry 2022. Students created an eTwinning project on screen addiction named " Switch it up". The meeting and workshops provided opportunities for the participants to interact with their European peers and share and exchange ideas and to be actively involved in creation of an eTwinning projects. Accompanying teachers and students worked in mixed groups to create the eTwinning project and improved their teamwork, problem solving, creativity and decision taking skills.
They cooperated and collaborated with their European peers during the mobility.  The LTTA was based on exploring, interacting, exchanging and working in teams and so the methodology of it was mainly CLIL, learn by doing and peer to peer learning. Participants also took part in various activities related to screen addiction during the mobility. 

C4- Poland: Pro Gallery
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