The first Short-term Joint Staff Training meeting named "Lets Explore eTwinning and Web 2.0 Tools transnational mobility was held on 18th -22nd November 2019 at Sarayönü Mehmet Emine Akdoğan Anatolia High school in Konya, Türkiye. The main aim of the mobility was to learn more about the processes of writing eTwinning projects, eTwinning tools, twinspace, new Web 2.0 tools and how to integrate them into their classes. The meetings included presentations, question&answer sessions, brainstorming and exchanging ideas on the aimed topics.
Participants had trainings on how to create successful eTwinning projects, how to use twinspace and twinspace tools, online meetings, prepare the implementation , dissemination and evaluation plans of the Project. Participants also learnt more about eTwinning quality labels, eTwinning school label. Besides, they explored new Web 2.0 tools (Kahoot, Powtoon, Animoto, Plickers,Emaze,Prezi, Cram,Quizlet, Kizao,Edmodo,Animaker, Weebly, Wix,Canva, myposterwall, wordart etc) and exchanged ideas on how to use them in classes and eTwinning projects' implementation.
Besides, participant teachers visited and disseminated the project to the District Governor, Mayor and the district director of national education. The first dissemination event was held for the local authority, teachers and parents. The host teachers made presentations to introduce the project and a teacher from each partner school introduced their schools, cities and countries to the audience. Dissemination meals were organized for the participants and the local authorities.